Vitamin Infusion

Detox Infusion IV Therapy – Detox Vitamin Drips | Aesthetic Clinic in Lahore

Glutathione is involved in the detoxification of both xenobiotic and endogenous compounds. The Detox Drip contains a mix of powerful antioxidants to help your body detox and feel like new again.

Vitamin B Complex – Benefits & Side Effects | Aesthetics clinic in Lahore

When you just can’t choose between which Vitamin B to have, why not have them all?

Vitamin D – Benefits, Deficiencies & Side Effects | Aesthetic clinic in Lahore

Living in a cool climate, it can be tricky to get the Vitamin D we need from the sun. It is recommended that everyone take supplements of Vitamin D for the winter months between October to March at the veritably least when the sun is at its lowest.

Vitamin B12 Energy – Benefits & Sources | Aesthetic clinic in Lahore

Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin contributes to the reduction of exhaustion and fatigue and contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism. Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function, and the production of DNA.

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