For long-term hair removal, laser treatment is one of the preferred methods. That is being used both by men and women. With lasting benefits and increasing demands, many new devices are launched and under progress for it. Now, all the painful methods of hair removal are replaced with lasers. It is helpful as it only targets the hair, and all your surrounding skin will be safe and undamaged. But it is optional to handle by everybody. A properly trained and skilled technician can handle it. However, getting services from laser hair removal Lahore is advisable.
To provide optimal services at rizthetics, we have compiled common mistakes people make in laser treatment. Discover them to avoid while having treatment and get your desired results.
Getting services from an Unexperienced Technician
With time and changes in technology, the anesthetic world is also growing. And many new changes have come in laser hair removal treatment as well. Besides pieces of equipment and chemicals, the most crucial thing is from whom you are taking the services. Let a trusted and skilled technician handle your delicate skin.
A team that checks your skin and creates a suitable treatment plan for your skin category and conditions. In addition, setting a goal of hair removal percentage per session is crucial. The results could be the opposite if you desire hair removal but take services from local and unskilled people. So, find laser hair removal Lahore to get benefits.
Taking Sessions Irregularly and Inconsistently
In laser hair removal, physicians target a particular area to remove hair. And all the hairs couldn’t be removed once but in the different phases. For which taking a few sessions is essential for desired results. Extra hairs of that particular part could be in different growth phases that are impossible to remove once.
In fact, please note and follow the period between sessions as prescribed by the technician. Most of the period between them is about eight weeks, which can vary according to your particular condition. After a few weeks, you see an observable difference. And keep yourself stuck to plan and give results.
Not shaving the Targeted area before the laser.
Shaving is essential before you start your hair removal treatment. It is due to the reason that laser hair removal technicians work on hair follicles. By which they stop further growth of hairs. The laser treatment heat will not reach the follicles if your hair is long. Therefore, it is necessary to shave your hair before. The chances of skin burns also increase if the targeted area is not shaved correctly. In addition, after some sessions of laser hair removal treatment, when you go back for laser, make sure to shave the surface.
Coming with a Moisturizer or Perfume
No doubt you always love to look glowing, fresh, and beautiful. But laser hair removal treatment comes with clear skin. It is not allowed to use even a single tan on it. Laser hair removal doesn’t work if any pigments you have used on your skin. Relatively, the risk of side effects increases adequately. So, keeping skin untreated and free from perfumes and moisturizers for laser treatment is suitable.
Selection of Irrelevant Device
Various laser hair removal devices don’t work well for your skin. In some clinics, they use IPL for serving laser hair removal. That is not effective at all. Before booking an appointment, ask about the devices they use for your hair removal.
Some of the perfect appliances that the laser hair removal Lahore uses are YAG 1064nm, diode 810 nm, and Alexandrite 755nm. Furthermore, different skin tones use other devices for hair removal. It is different for more extended and short hairs as well.
Unrealistic Expectations
Most patients think their bodies will be free from hair in a single laser treatment. And they will never see any hair on their body. It is a fact it is approved as a permanent hair removal strategy, but results are at most 80%. So avoid to expect high.
Our patients of rizthetics review they observe hair again after a time but at minimum. But results are variable from person to person, and it could be different for you. There are some areas of your body where you have thicker hair and can’t be eradicated. So, it is good to know the correct process and strategy behind it.
Not cooling the Area After Treatment.
Laser treatment is about heating the skin to follicles for permanent hair removal. Once done, technicians use a strip to cool the area effectively. That process is different for all types of lasers. But skin can be burned if cooling is not taken immediately after the laser. And it is also possible you need optimal outcomes of laser hair removal.
Bleaching of Surface
You can’t bleach the skin six months before laser hair removal treatment. It involves the addition of certain pigments to your skin, by which laser couldn’t target the hair follicles. Then, the laser can’t work for which it is designed. Let your hair grow with the natural color before laser.
Allowing Sun Rays to Absorb
Exposing the targeted area to the sun is unsafe after getting laser treatment from laser hair removal Lahore. The sun’s rays could damage pigments of hair treated by laser. Melanocytes get activated by the rays of the sun after laser. And there are maximum chances of skin burning by it. Make sure to follow the pros and cons of laser treatment prescribed by your technician.
Tags: Best laser Clinic in Lahore, Best laser hair removal Lahore, Hair removal Lahore, Laser hair removal Lahore