Advance Cupping Workshop on 5th November 2023

Advance Cupping Workshop on 5th November 2023

Original price was: ₨ 6,000.Current price is: ₨ 5,000.


Date: 5 Nevember 2023

Discover the therapeutic potential of this age-old practise, then set off on a revitalising journey to achieve optimal wellness.Multiple benefits of cupping therapy include improvements in both physical and mental health.



The Advanced cupping therapy training program will pick the level-1 class and build a multi-planar approach to using cups with exercise principles and specific intervention, integrating neuroanatomical, Neurophysiology and various demographics. Precision cups will be provided to ensure the accuracy of the pressure and application.

Students will be given the opportunity to dive deeper into the structural function of fascia in various layers of the tissues and pathologies and be exposure to a variety of cupping tools that are on the market.

Participants will be able to evaluate their ability to intervene appropriately using cupping tools by describing safety, competency, precautions, contraindications, efficient approach and mechanics.

Course Goals

The main goal of this course is to provide clinicians with a new perspective to various negative pressures and tissue layer effects, including macro and microstructures. Instruction on hands-on manual therapy tools and approaches for the musculoskeletal, neurologic and lymphatic systems will provide the learner with a systematic approach of physiological integration of subsystem in the human body and integrate their understanding of movement science and neuromuscular re-education with manual therapy.

  • In this one day course, participants will learn to increase the efficiency of motion with negative pressure tools through fascial mobility and neuro-muscular re-education.
  • How Cupping (Myofascial decompression) technique works in the decompression of connective tissue, which often makes more physiological sense for fascial mobility, blood circulation, and metabolic exchange.
  • Analyze the evidence on cup therapy pressure used, time left on, material, and their effects on the blood flow and tissue responses.
  • Recommend how to operate the precious MFD at specific mmHg to target specific tissue layers using different cupping techniques.
  • Using cupping techniques for stretching and strengthening exercise plan.
  • Design a specific plan of care including soft tissue interventions and exercise prescription with temporal variables taken into account.
  • Demonstrate how to utilize MFD to assist the lymphatic flow and dysfunction.
  • Discuss the basic principles of kinesthetic awareness and proprioception, and how Cupping is used movement efficiency in MSK disorders.
  • Combine MFD techniques (extensibility, inhibition, and kinesthetic awareness) with neuro-muscular re-education principles to build a program for specific sport populations.

Practical Demonstration

  • The MFD system and Multiplan approach with movement selectivity of the type of cupping.
  • Synthesis the MDF therapy and modern implementation
  • Confident safely apply the different techniques of cupping therapy and Dry Needling.
  • Coitize when, how and what to expect from this tools.
  • Techniques for improving joint mobilization, trigger points Review, Lab. Section.
  • Rehab Exercise with negative Pressure
  • Overview of wet cupping therapy with evidence of Islamic Hadeeth.
  • Dynamic cupping review, fibroblast function and response to specific treatments.
  • Practical Demonstration of Ventura Therapy (Fire Cupping) with moderate pressure of kinesthetic sense.
  • Modern Perspective of Ventura Therapy Clinical Approach to treat LBP.
  • Inefficient movement patterns, scar mobilization, sports injury along with overuse injuries.
  • Chronic orthopedic issue with decreased flexibility and postural syndromes
  • Bringing it all together, linking mechanism to MSK presentations, Exam Reviews, Case
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