Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that’s not only safe and effective but also remarkably efficient, taking only minutes to perform. Moreover, this advanced technique accelerates the natural process by shattering tattoo ink into smaller pieces that flush down more fluently, making it easier to eliminate unwanted tattoos.

Pre-Treatment Instructions:

During the earliest consultation, the cosmetologist will provide you with pre-treatment instructions to ensure a smooth procedure. Additionally, it is advised to avoid extreme sunlight exposure. Furthermore, one week after the treatment, you should refrain from waxing or threading the treatment area. Moreover, cleaning the targeted area before the treatment is of utmost importance to avoid infection.


At the launch of the procedure, the doctor will clean the targeted area with alcohol wipes to remove germs; also, he applies topical anesthesia to avoid discomfort and pain. also, the laser device is directed toward the treatment area. A high-energy beam breaks the ink patches and doesn’t damage the hair follicles and surrounding areas. You’ll need 6 to 8 sessions to get relief from the tattoo permanently. Each session is done after some time because our body takes time to exclude the ink patches from the body.

How does It work?

Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam.


  • It is a non-invasive way to get rid of tattoos permanently.
  • You will get quicker results.
  • It is gentle on the skin
  • It can remove any color of tattoo ink.
  • It does not have long-term side effects.
  • No downtime is required.
  • You can get rid of tattoos in less number of sessions as compared to the common laser technique.
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